Mesh Mashup - Idea Generation

This week, we learned about remix culture and were challenged to participate through websites such as Thingiverse. Our project for the week is to find and download 3D models off of Thingiverse and create rough mashups in Tinkercad. These rough mashups will later be discussed and refined into a final mashup idea.

The following are my rough ideas for a 3D model mashup:

1. Beauty

Original objects: 
  • Smooth transition from neck to rose
  • Turn arm and smooth transition from arm to snake
  • Add snake tail to other arm? 
  • Separate bikini as separate object for multi-colored rendering

2. Odour

Original objects:
  • Make the poop less regular and more random, like real poop
  • Blend the nose into the poop to look more uniform
  • Add surface texture like cracks and bubbles

3. Pink Space

Original Objects:
  • Blend head into the body better
  • Blend feet better
  • Exaggerate feet and claws
  • Make neck less straight

4. Wrong number

Original Objects:
  • Clean the tentacles better
  • Vary tentacles more
  • Add water/drips/slime to the handset

5. Decay

Original Objects:

Ideas for further development: 
  • More tentacles
  • Make tentacles more random, different shapes
  • Clean up join area

6. Wine

Original Objects:
Ideas for further development:
  • Clean up join
  • Adjust sizes to make better proportions

7. Candles

Original Objects:
Ideas for further development:
  • Different hand positions

8. Glassssssses

Original Objects:

Ideas for further development:
  • Straighter snakes that are longer
  • Clean up joints

9. Road Rash

Original objects:

Ideas for further development:
  • Clean up all join areas
  • Integrate mouth into car better

10. Bite Me

Original Objects:
Ideas for further development:
  • Move top teeth forward
  • Make the mouth hole less perfect
  • Add a "worm" - snake or tentacle?